How a TFSA Works
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Updated: January 2025 The Tax-Free Savings Account Welcome to the basics #2 – How a TFSA works. TFSAs are a type of account that falls under the registered umbrella in…
Should I Invest or Pay Down My Mortgage?
Some problems are good problems to have. Like having extra cash each month and needing to decide where to put it. That sounds like a good problem. Which brings us to the “Invest vs. Mortgage…
2023 Update and Year in Review
After a long hiatus, I’m finally bringing this post to light. It’s been sitting in drafts for months (and months) and I’ve finally had the desire and time to finish it. Life for the past…
The Investment Funds I Use
This post is a simplified extension of my What’s in my Portfolio post. Updates Sep. 2024 – Sold my rental unit Aug. 2024 – Modified my pension plan to be 75/25 (Equity/Balanced)- Formerly 80/20 (Equity/Bond)…
My CSS Interview – This time it’s video!
I reached another milestone in my investing career – my company’s pension featured me in a video! This was a goal I didn’t know I had until the opportunity presented itself. It was a great…
2022 Q4 Update and Year in Review
What have I been up to? Hi all, another year in the books. I’ve been late with getting to my blog post updates so bear with me. I haven’t gone anywhere. The few months have…
Timewise Interview – We Grace the Cover
I was surprised to find out my family made the cover of my companies pension magazine – CSS Timewise. I had done an interview and provided a picture that I assumed would be a mid-issue…
2022 Q3 Update
What have I been up to? Hi all, welcome back to my personal and financial update . I thought my previous three months had flown by until these past three months happened. Summer holidays were…
What’s In My Portfolio
My Investment Approach Account Breakdown Asset Class Breakdown The Funds I Use Takeaways My Investment Approach If you’ve been here long, you know that I am an index ETF investor. Index ETF’s provide the greatest…
2022 Q2 Update
What have I been up to? Hi all, happy summer! I’ve been silent on the blog recently as I’ve been enjoying my time in meatspace. These past few months have been full of kids’ activities…
2022 Q1 Update
What have I been up to? I’m happy to be back at it and bringing you my Q1 update. This quarter has had its share of ups and downs, but overall it has been a…
Why You Should Track Your Spending
Tracking Equals Knowledge Use YNAB to Track Your Spending Finding extra cash to save and invest can be difficult. In this post, I will outline the reasons why tracking your spending is so powerful. It’s…
2021 Q4 Update
What have I been up to? These past three months have flown by. I had to go back through my calendar to even remember what I’ve done. We got together with family on occasions like…
Podcast Appearance – Explore FI Canada
Ep. 066 – Mental Health Challenges and Finding Balance Hi all, exciting news… I was a guest on the Explore FI Canada podcast with Chrissy and the Money Mechanic! In this episode, I open up…
How to Pick an Online Brokerage
What Kind of DIY Investor are you? Things to Consider Brokerage Pros/Cons Online Brokerage Quick Chart So you’ve decided you want to be a DIY investor. Great choice! You’re taking your financial future into your…
2021 Q3 Update
What have I been up to? Q3 Financial Update What have I been up to? My family and I have continued to enjoy being outside. It was a great summer as I had a couple…
How to Start DIY Investing in Canada
Choose your RRSP or TFSA How to Pick Your Asset Allocation What Kind of DIY Investor Do You Want to Be? If you’re here, I assume you already know that you should be saving and…
2021 Q2 Financial Update
Hellooo July! I thought the heat dome had passed but apparently it’s still here. We have been enjoying the super hot summer weather in both our backyard and at the family cabin. I’ve found some…
Blog Recognition
Top 25 Canadian FIRE Blogs of 2021 I am honoured and thankful to be named one of Canada’s top 25 FIRE blogs. I’m happy to see that my content is resonating with people. You can…
How I Became a DIY Investor
Starting Out I started my career in 2003 and was fortunate to start with an organization that offers a superannuation pension. Being the young guy on the block, my managers and other colleagues would rave…
2021 Q1 Financial Update
Welcome to April, and we are well on our way into 2021! RRSP season is over, my taxes are in, and I’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather outside with my family. It’s time for my…
MER Calculator
Let’s understand how much MER (Management Expense Ratio) fees can affect your portfolio value. Scenario 1 MER of 0.24%. This is a reasonable starting point for DIY investors. I love the Vanguard Canada All-in-One Index…
How an RRSP Works
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The Registered Retirement Savings Plan I’m starting out with the basics #1: How an RRSP works. RRSP’s are a type of account that falls under the registered umbrella in Canada.…
Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination
In February 2021, I was kindly nominated by TonFire for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I was surprised, as I didn’t know what it was at first. Essentially, it is a great way for fellow bloggers…
Plan for the Unexpected: Put your Finances on Autopilot
It’s freeing to have all my bills paid automatically. It’s a weight off my shoulders knowing that I have the money in my account and that I won’t miss a payment. The key for today,…
Savings Calculator
This is the 10-Year Purchase Calculator. It’s a future value (FV) calculator with a twist. Fill in the table below to see how small daily, weekly, or monthly spending changes can pay off in the…
2020 – My Financial Year In Review
Wow, I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I last posted. It’s been an interesting and challenging year, but with being on holidays over Christmas and January 1st coming around, I got a renewed…
The Benefits of Covid-19 and A Taste of FI Lifestyle
This weekend marks the eighth week of social distancing for me and my family. My wife has been busy trying to keep our three kids, aged four and under, occupied all day and I’m trying…
Make Yourself Rich with The 10-Year Purchase
Welcome to my first personal finance tip! I’m just starting out so I have to go with the #1 tip I recommend when I get on the topic of FI. It’s not a stock tip…
About Me
Here is a little more information about me. I live in Canada, I’m 37 years old, married with three kids (twin boys and a little girl). I have a lot of mortgage debt, some consumer debt, and…
Hi, welcome to my first post!
Welcome to Learning to FI! I’m excited to start my blog detailing my path to Financial Independence. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and I feel now is finally the…